Ecosystem-based fisheries management requires a profound understanding of the dynamics and feedbacks that occur within ecological systems, the human systems, and at the social-ecological interface.
A number of different quantitative modelling approaches have been applied to enhance this understanding, such as ecosystem models, bioeconomic models, social-ecological network models, and others.
Involving stakeholders at various steps of the modelling process can greatly improve the level of realism and applicability of the resulting models, while simultaneously facilitating discussions about underlying model assumptions and uncertainties. All of this can help to increase the legitimacy and effectiveness of modelling efforts in fisheries management, especially in the context of (often data-limited) small-scale fisheries.
This session will focus on approaches, challenges, best practices and case study examples that highlight how stakeholder needs, perceptions and knowledge systems can be successfully integrated into the modelling process to promote an effective and sustainable management of fisheries and associated systems.
Giovanni Romagnoni, Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Research, [email protected]
Matthias Wolff, Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Research
Kelly Ortega Cisneros, University of Cape Town
Michael Kriegl, Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT Bremen) & Center for Ocean and Society (CeOS Kiel)
Lotta Clara Kluger, Center for Ocean and Society, Christian Albrecht University
Pault Tuda, Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Research