This session will bring together geneticists, ecologists, and modelers focused on understanding and managing the evolutionary, genetic, and ecological processes that maintain adaptive capacity in fish populations under rapid climate change. As such, our intent is to explore the pace and genetic consequences of distribution shifts, the role of phenotypic plasticity versus adaptation in influencing species responses, and the relevance of population portfolios for maintaining species. We will also examine advances in management approaches that promote a diversity in evolutionary process, such as improving conditions for recruitment and connectivity, genetic rescue and assisted gene flow, habitat restoration and the establishment of habitat reserve networks. Throughout, our intent is to explore the integration of core evolutionary processes into supporting diverse population and habitat portfolios across the changing seascapes and landscapes, so that species and the human activities that depend on them have the capacity to respond adaptively to global change.
Kerry Naish, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington, [email protected]
Lorenz Hauser
Daniel Schindler, University of Washington